Socially Responsible Investing with Financial Insights

At Financial Insights Wealth Management, we are committed to offering a range of investment options tailored to your individual preferences and goals. Among these options, we provide Socially Responsible Investing that incorporates Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria.

We wish to emphasize that while these ESG-integrated portfolios are available for those who are interested, we respect your choice and do not impose this approach on anyone. With us, you always have the flexibility to select any portfolio that best aligns with your investment objectives and values.

What is ESG Investing?

For socially conscious investors, we offer portfolios rooted in ESG investing. ESG investing means integrating social and environmental values into the investment decision-making process. This process is delineated through evaluating companies based on a standard comprised in the following manner:

E – Environmental

Values a company based on energy use and pollution, among other environmental factors. Also examines environmental risks that might affect a company’s income and how the company is managing those risks.

S – Social

Looks at criteria based on corporate social responsibility. These are factors like donating profits to the community and whether or not a company’s working conditions show a high regard for its employees’ health and safety.

G – Governance

This is a standard that evaluates companies based on their governing structure. It looks at whether a company uses accurate and transparent accounting methods and if common stockholders are allowed to vote on important issues. Companies tend to score low in this standard if there conflicts of interest in their choice of board members, if they engage in illegal behavior or use political contributions to obtain favorable treatment.

We provide annual impact reports so that clients can see how their portfolios are impacting the overall world.

We use the criteria above to evaluate mutual funds and ETFs included in our Financial Insights Wealth Management ESG portfolio. If you have any questions about our ESG strategies, feel free to get in touch with us here.