Financial Insights 2016 2nd Quarter Newsletter

Our long and rainy winter heightens the sweetness of spring. Its bright return is here with the warm sun glistening on the Puget Sound waters, the beautiful flowers popping up all around, and the lunchtime visitors outside our office windows enjoying the many views from benches on Ruston Way! We would like to kick-off the […]

A History of Leadership

Disclosure: Certain portions of this website, including our blogs, and articles may contain the personal opinions, viewpoints and analyses of the Financial Insights employees providing such comments, and should not be regarded as a description of advisory services provided by Financial Insights March is Women’s History Month, and this year marks 103 years since the […]

Market Slides, But Local, National Advisers Say Keep Your Cool

Friday,  Tacoma News Tribune’s C.R. Roberts commented on the current economic climate, with comments from local financial advisors Gary Brooks, CFP® and our own Ali Criss, CFP®. A link to the article is below. Declines may offer buying opportunities 6-year bull market taking a breath “Volatility expected” in stock market Read more here: Disclosure: […]

The Year in Review: A Flat Finish Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story

Disclosure: Certain portions of this website, including our blogs, and articles may contain the personal opinions, viewpoints and analyses of the Financial Insights employees providing such comments, and should not be regarded as a description of advisory services provided by Financial Insights The domestic equity markets seemed to be telling investors a story about resiliency […]

IRA Charitable Rollover is Permanent

On December 18th, President Obama signed into law H.R. 2029, which combines the Protecting Americans From Tax Hikes (PATH) Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016. A provision of H.R.2029 brings back the ability for eligible IRA participants to take Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) from IRA accounts. The QCD provision is now permanent and is available […]

Eight Estate Planning Essentials

Estate planning is more than just creating a will. As a Financial Planner I have the unique responsibility of preparing my clients for events that cannot be predicted, but it is my job to make sure they are anticipated.  One of the greatest tools in my toolbox is Estate Planning, a tool that allows me […]