As proud residents of Washington state and the beautiful Tacoma area, we strive to do our best to make our community an even better place for all to live.

Our corporate philosophy from the inception of our firm has always included service to our community. Our commitment includes our employee’s time and energy to many organizations and monetary donations.

In addition to financial education initiatives like Wisdom & Wealth and sponsoring various non-profit events, many of our employees give their time and expertise to serve as Board Members or on Advisory Committees of local foundations, community colleges and charities, as well as serving as youth athletic coaches.


Financial Insights Wealth Management is also proud to support our community by:

  • Aiming to donate 10% of our annual revenue to the community through our Financial Insights Charitable Fund, and/or gifts and non-profit organization sponsorships
  • Providing 12 hours of volunteer hours per employee as paid time off
  • Allowing staff to donate $200 in their name from our business to their favorite charity annually
  • Paying staff a bonus for riding their bike to work

To further give back to our hard-working employees, we have a no sales/no commission revenue structure for our staff where we give back 20% of the revenue annually to our staff members.

Financial Insights Wealth Management and our employees continue to support and make an impact on the following organizations:

“Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

– Desmond Tutu