Posts in category Financial Planning

From the Desk of Amanda Burrows, CFP® CSRIC®: Harnessing the Potential: Using Donor-Advised Funds in Modern Philanthropy

In recent years, donor-advised funds (DAFs) have emerged as a versatile and impactful tool in philanthropy, offering individuals and families a structured approach to charitable giving while maximizing tax advantages and flexibility. Whether you’re a seasoned philanthropist or new to charitable giving, understanding how DAFs work and their benefits can significantly enhance your ability to […]

From the Desk of Kaylyn Bugay: Expanded Rules for 529 Accounts

Saving for education is a cornerstone of financial planning for many families. One popular tool for this purpose is the 529 plan, a tax-advantaged investment account designed specifically to help pay for qualified educational expenses. In the past several years, new legislation has provided several updates that expand the flexibility of 529 plans. One such […]

Inflation and Retirement

How to Navigate Inflation While in Retirement From the Desk of Amanda Burrows, CFP®, CSRIC® Wealth Advisor   If you’re close to or in retirement, recent inflation has likely been unnerving, particularly given that stock markets have experienced significant volatility since early 2022. That is, you’re looking at higher prices while parts of your portfolio […]

National Financial Literacy Month

Nurture financial wellness April is National Financial Literacy Month, the perfect time to tune in to new personal finance resources.  It was first recognized in the U.S.A in 2004 and was done to highlight the importance of being financially literate and to help people learn about maintaining smart money management habit. Things to do Mind […]