A unique offering for retired investment and financial professionals

Are you a retired investment or financial services professional? 

Perhaps you used to work in the industry as a financial advisor, CPA, analyst, or a portfolio manager.

Even if you have the skill and the desire to manage your own portfolio, you want to have a plan in place – just in case you’re no longer able to do so.

Our Bridge Program is designed for retired investment and financial professionals who understand their investment situation and investment philosophy. The individuals are still managing their own assets but want to create a relationship for tax, estate and eventual investment management for their family and when they no longer want to manage their own assets. These assets are managed by the client until they choose or can no longer manage their investments. In the meantime, we do quarterly meetings to build the relationship with you and your loved ones, facilitate performance reviews, and provide tax & estate planning guidance. 

How can retired investment professionals benefit from the Bridge Program?

Some of the most common reasons that retired investment professionals choose to work with us in this capacity:

  • Their spouse doesn’t feel confident managing investments or financial matters on their own.
  • They appreciate ongoing expert guidance in other financial matters such as estate & tax planning.
  • They wish to build a relationship with an advisor now so that if something happens to them, their loved ones have someone to turn to who already understands their situation.

The Bridge program allows you to plan for the future with a trusted advisory team without having to give up managing your own investments.

How does the Bridge Program work?

For a quarter of our regular fee, here’s how we help you bridge the gap between managing your investments and ensuring your loved one has a relationship with an expert team that can take over if something happens to you.

  1. We meet (online or in-person) to discuss your situation and see if the Bridge Program is a good fit for you.
  2. If the program is a good fit, we transfer your assets to Financial Insights Wealth Management in-kind to be held with our custodian.
  3. You keep managing your investments through our trading platform for as long as you like or have the ability to do so.
  4. We meet with you and your spouse (or other loved ones) on a quarterly basis to provide guidance customary in an ongoing financial planning relationship, including estate and tax planning projections. (Complimentary tax preparation for clients $5 million and above).

If you eventually wish to transition the investment management of your assets to our team or in case of your incapacitation or passing, our client relationship will then continue under our regular fee structure.

FAQs about the Bridge Program

Will I be able to manage and trade my own holdings without having to sell them?

Yes, you will be able to move your current holdings to our custodian in-kind so that there are no adverse tax consequences. Our ability to invest in the entire investable universe means that we can also transfer all of your investments to our platform at no additional cost. 

What is the fee?

The fee for the Bridge Program is either 0.25% of assets under management per year or a $12,500 minimum fee (whichever is higher). This fee covers standard investment reporting and quarterly meetings where we provide other financial planning guidance such as estate and tax planning.

What is the asset minimum for the program?

There is an asset minimum of $2 million to participate in the Bridge program. We also offer complimentary tax preparation for clients $2 million and above under this program.

Who is this program for?

This program is created specifically for retired investment professionals who have experience in investing, trading, and portfolio management. Some of our current clients, for example, include retired owners of RIA firm, retired Russell professionals, retired CPAs and retired portfolio managers.

I am someone who likes to do my own trading but I don’t have professional experience in the industry. Can I still apply for the Bridge program?

While we appreciate your desire to protect your spouse by building a relationship with us and still managing your own trades, at this time we only offer this program to individuals with proven experience in managing investments.